Making and Finalizing Changes to Territories

TL;DR The 3-Dot Segmentation menu provides different ways to make changes, finalize changes, and view territory assignments within the Segmentation Panel itself.

We’ve already discussed the difference between Add Node and Add Hierarchy. Now, we’ll explore the remaining options in the 3-dot segmentation menu. These menu options provide ways to change existing hierarchies and nodes, finalize changes, and view assignments.

Note: We're in the process of transitioning to a new UI and will refresh this video soon! In the meantime, if there is any confusion, refer to these notes for a rundown of the primary differences in current and previous UI.

Video: The 3-Dot Segmentation Menu: Making and Finalizing Changes in Fullcast (5 Min. Video)

The Menu Options

Note that the options available in the 3-dot segmentation menu vary according to what type of node you have selected. Also, note that the actions you select in the three-dot menu apply to whichever node you have highlighted in the segmentation panel. You can also see the name of the segment at the top of the center pane. 

  • Rename: This allows you to edit the name of a single node in the hierarchy.
  • Delete current node and children: This allows you to delete the selected node and the nodes in any levels below it in the hierarchy. 
  • Delete all children nodes: This deletes only the nodes below the selected node. It preserves the selected node. Note that rerunning rules is NOT the same as committing changes. Rerunning rules simply gives you a preview of how things would move. Even after you rerun rules you will still see yellow dots on nodes where there is any difference between the plan that’s in production and what you are currently seeing.
  • Show role details: This allows you to display who is assigned to each territory within the segmentation panel. When setting this up, you need to select the roles that you wish to display in order of precedence.
  • Edit: This will allow you to see and edit the rule type and specific criteria that were used to create a hierarchy.
  • Edit Node: Edit Node allows you to change just one node.

Example of Edit vs. Edit Node Let's use an example where we are in the US enterprise segment, where we have a financial services vertical. In Fullcast, this financial services vertical was created by first Adding a Node that put all the financial services accounts into the financial services segment. Then, using Add Hierarchy, a SmartPlan was used to create multiple rep-level territories. 

In this scenario, if we select the Financial Services vertical, Edit will let us change the inputs for SmartPlan. For example, if we wanted to change the number of territories we created or change the balancing criteria. Edit Node would allow us to modify the criteria used to create the financial services vertical. For example, say we have a sector called ‘fintech’ that we want to include in the financial services segment.

  • Rerun rules: If you edit a rule, you need to Rerun the Rules in order to actually see the accounts in the places they belong according to the edited rules

Note: Rerunning rules is NOT the same as committing changes. Rerunning rules simply gives you a preview of how things would move. Even after you rerun rules you will still see yellow dots on nodes where there is any difference between the plan that’s in production and what you are currently seeing.

  • Order of Precedence: This allows you to designate which rules in a given hierarchy will be applied first.
  • Undo Changes: This reverts your go-to-market segmentation and assignments back to the last committed state.
  • Export: This exports your go-to-market hierarchy rules into a CSV.

Up Next

Fullcast 102.7 - Understanding The Unassigned Bucket

Article Written by: Ashley Kim

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