Account Hierarchy UAT

Test Data

The test data consists of six accounts:

Account A - Ultimate Parent - website =

Account B - Domestic Ultimate Parent

Account C - Enriched Child Account

Account D - Child Account without Enrichment and with website ""

Account E - Parent of Account F with a website of ""

Account F - Child of Account E

Acceptance Scenarios

Friendly Scenario Description



Expected Result

Adding Accounts

GIVEN A Parent Account is already in the CRM

WHEN An enriched child of that Parent is added,

THEN the child should be linked to the parent.

  1. Ensure that Account A is in the system
  2. Add Account C to the CRM and ensure that it's enriched
Account C should be attached to Account A based on the hierarchy matching rules described above in the configuration section.
Adding Accounts

GIVEN The ultimate parent account and a child account are already in the CRM,

WHEN an enriched Domestic Ultimate parent is added,

THEN the hierarchy should be re-organized to insert the newly added domestic ultimate parent into the middle of the hierarchy

  1. Ensure that Account A is in the system
  2. Add Account B to the CRM and ensure it's enriched

Account B should be made a child of Account A

Account C should be made a child of Account B

Adding Accounts

GIVEN The Parent account is already in the CRM

WHEN an un-enriched account is added,

THEN the newly added child account should be linked to the parent

  1. Ensure that Account A is in the system with website address of ""
  2. Add Account D and don't enrich it but make sure it contains a Website - ""
Account D should be attached to Account A as a child
Adding Accounts

GIVEN the child account is already in the CRM

WHEN an enriched parent is added

THEN the newly added child account should be linked to the parent.

  1. Ensure that Account E is in the system and has a website of "". Acct E needs to be marked “Headquarters”
  2. Add Account F and has a website address of ""
Account F should be made a child of Account E
Viewing Hierarchy

GIVEN the parent-child relationships are established

WHEN the user clicks on the "view hierarchy" button

THEN the entire hierarchy should be visible in the UI

  1. Ensure that Accounts A, B, C, D & F are in the system
  2. Find Account A and open the details page
  3. Click on the "View Hierarchy" button
You should see the entire A-D accounts in the hierarchy viewer.
Editing Accounts

GIVEN both the parent and child accounts are in the CRM

WHEN a key field used in the calculation of the hierarchy is edited,

THEN the hierarchy relationships should be reevaluated and the appropriate hierarchy should be rebuilt

  1. Ensure that Account E and Account F are in the CRM with the website of ""
  2. Ensure that Account A is in the CRM with the website ""
  3. Edit the website of Account F from "" to ""
Account F should be removed as a child from Account E and should not be attached to Account A.
Editing Accounts

GIVEN both the parent and the child accounts are in the CRM,

WHEN a user tries to manually change the account parent,

THEN the system should recalculate and reset to the right parent.

  1. Ensure that Account A and Account F are in the CRM and are linked together as parent and child.
  2. Ensure that Account E is in the CRM
  3. Edit the parent field on Account F and change it to Account E.
The system should reset the parent when you save the record and put the parent back to Account A.
Custom Hierarchies

GIVEN when a parent-child hierarchy is in the system

WHEN you want to break that hierarchy and allow a section of the tree to be a standalone company

THEN the system should not attach the broken section of the tree to the main hierarchy

  1. Ensure that Accounts A thru D & F are linked in one tree
  2. Ensure that Account E is a standalone entity not attached to any accounts either as a parent or with children.
  3. Find Account B and edit the details by changing the "Custom Domain Key" and entering "Custom1".

The system should have recalculated and Account B should no longer be attached to Account A and should now be a standalone parent with all its child Account E.

Account A should still have its other children that are not impacted by the change to the custom hierarchy.

Custom Hierarchy

GIVEN when an account hierarchy is in the system

WHEN you want to divest a branch of one tree and attach it to another family tree

THEN the system should enable this custom hierarchy to override the standard rules

  1. Ensure that Accounts B, C and E are in the system
  2. Ensure that Account B is a child of Account A
  3. Open Account E and record the value of the "Parent Domain Key"
  4. Edit the details of Account B by changing the "Custom Domain Key" field and entering the value you recorded in (3) above.

The system should now link Account B as a child of Account E. Account C should be a child of Account B.

The Account B branch of the family tree should now be attached to Account E's tree.

Custom Hierarchies

GIVEN that you have a custom hierarchy in the system

WHEN you want to remove the custom hierarchy

THEN the system should use the rules defined to rebuild the hierarchy

  1. Ensure that Account B, C and E are in the system
  2. Ensure that Account A is in the system
  3. Open the Account B details and remove the value in the "Custom Domain Key" field

The system should have recalculated based on the enriched data and Account B should now be linked to Account A and not Account E

Account C should still be a child of Account B.

Private Equity

GIVEN when an account is a private equity company,

WHEN you tag the account as such since they don't make purchasing decisions

THEN you don't want the system to rollup children under that parent

  1. Ensure that Account A, B and C are in the system.
  2. Go to Account B and edit the "Holding Company" flag and set it to TRUE

The account should have recalculated and Account B should no longer have any children associated with it as per the policy - i.e. - Account C should not a child of Account B.

It should still, however, be a child of Account A.

Deleting Accounts

GIVEN when the accounts are linked in a parent-child hierarchy

WHEN you delete an account in the hierarchy,

THEN the hierarchy should be recalculated and the remaining hierarchy should be reattached as appropriate

  1. Ensure that Account A, B & C are in the system
  2. Remove the checkbox for "Holding Company" to FALSE to rebuild the hierarchy.
  3. Delete Account B
  4. Open Account C and edit the custom key and save the record to trigger the account to recalculate the hierarchy
  5. Edit the "Custom Domain Key" and remove the value to trigger the hierarchy process
Account C should not be linked to Account A as a child based on the hierarchy rules.
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