Motion Package Release Notes 2.160

Round-robin functionality for package version 2.160 and above can perform to its fullest only when the GTM trigger flag is enabled in SFDC environment.

Let us consider that there is a change in hierarchy, after the policy was created using the robin-robin feature. The participants in the round-robin list has to get an automatic update when there is a change in hierarchy. This happens only when the GTM trigger flag is enabled in the SFDC environment. So, whenever we run the export jobs, if the changes to hierarchy are updated on GTM Object or Team Member Junction Object the changes will be applied to round-robin list of participants as well.

Enabling GTM trigger flag

  1. Log into the Salesforce environment.
  2. Select setup.
  3. Search for Custom Metadata Setting in quick find.
  4. Select Manage Records against Fullcast setting.
  5. Enable the GTM trigger flag by checking the box against it. 

Below are the new end-points introduced to implement the round-robin functionality.

Custom Metadata Name Environment Value
App Endpoint Production
App Endpoint SandBox Pre-Prod
GTM Leaf Info Endpoint Production
GTM Leaf Info Endpoint SandBox Pre-Prod
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