Motion Package Upgrade Notes 2.17x to 2.18x

Please discontinue using the following fields as they are deleted/deprecated in Motion Package 2.180. 

If you wish to retain the functionality associated with these fields: 

  • Migrate your policies: Update your Fullcast custom metadata or the Fullcast policy configuration with a field of your choice. For more information on migrating policies, refer to the Migrating Policies section of this article. 
  • Discontinue using deprecated fields: Once the migration is complete, stop using the deprecated fields entirely.
  • Fields that will continue to exist and can be used from 2.18x can be identified from the Managed Package Field List
  • The new fields that replace deprecated ones should have distinct API names. This guideline applies to all fields. For example, the deprecated field "Best Matched Account" (API name: fcio1__Best_Matched_Account__c) should not be replaced with a field named "Best Match Account" with the same API name excluding ‘fcio1__’(Best_Matched_Account__c).

The following field has been DELETED from motion package version 2.180


Policy Deprecated Field Object New Field Source
Routing Queue Routing Rule Account Motion Policy Tagging
Routing Queue Routing Rule Lead Motion Policy Tagging
Routing Queue Routing Rule Case Motion Policy Tagging
Routing Queue Routing Rule Contact Motion Policy Tagging
Routing Queue Routing Rule Opportunity Motion Policy Tagging

Fields Deleted from the package will NOT be deleted from the Salesforce Org. An admin user must delete the field AFTER completing the necessary migration steps.

The following fields are DEPRECATED from the motion package version 2.180 and will be deleted in future upgrades. 

The new fields that replace deprecated ones should have distinct API names. This guideline applies to all fields. For example, the deprecated field "Best Matched Account" (API name: fcio1__Best_Matched_Account__c) should not be replaced with a field named "Best Match Account" with the same API name (fcio1__Best_Matched_Account__c).


POLICY Deprecated Field OBJECT New Field Source
All Policies Territory Account/Lead/Contact/Opportunity/Case Territory Member Custom Object > Fullcast GTM
Account Hierarchy UltimateParent Account Fullcast Custom Meta Data > Ultimate Parent
Account Hierarchy UltimateParentKey Account Fullcast Custom Meta Data > Ultimate Parent Key
Account Hierarchy Ultimate ParentId Account Fullcast Custom Meta Data > Ultimate ParentId
Industry Taxonomy Industry Code Account Motion Policy Tagging Functionality
Industry Taxonomy Industry Taxonomy Account Motion Policy Tagging Functionality
Clean Domain Domain Account/Contact/Lead None
Clean Domain Domain Last Updated Account/Contact/Lead None
Clean Domain Clean Domain Account Fullcast Custom Meta Data > Account Clean Domain
Clean Domain Clean Domain Contact Fullcast Custom Meta Data > Contact Clean Domain
Clean Domain Clean Domain Lead Fullcast Custom Meta Data >Lead Clean Domain
Clean Domain Domain In Sync? Account Fullcast Custom Meta Data > Account Domain in Sync
Clean Domain Domain In Sync? Contact Fullcast Custom Meta Data > Contact Domain in Sync
Clean Domain Domain In Sync? Lead Fullcast Custom Meta Data > Lead Domain in Sync
Best Matched Account Best Matched Account Lead Fullcast Custom Meta Data > Lead Best Matched Account
Best Matched Account Best Matched Account Contact Fullcast Custom Meta Data > Contact Best Matched Account

Migration Steps:

Pre-upgrade steps:

  1. Identify Policies/Features used in the Salesforce instance.
  2. Identify the fields and objects impacted for each Policy/Feature from the above Deleted and Deprecated fields
  3. Identify any dependencies to the fields by using the Where is this used on the Field Definition Detail page of the respective fields
  4. Update any dependencies (Reports/Flows/Process builders/Formulas etc) by replacing the deleted/deprecated field with the new field
  5. Take a backup of both the Deleted and Deprecated field data
  6. Migrate the data to the New field.

Any reports based on look-up fields like Routing Rule will be deleted post-upgrade

Post-upgrade steps:

Fields moving to Fullcast Custom Metadata:

  1. Access your Salesforce Instance.
  2. Click the Settings icon (gear) in the top right corner next to your avatar and select Setup.
  3. Click on the carrot to expand Custom Code and click Custom Metadata Types
  4. Click Manage Records to the right of Fullcast Policy Settings.
  5. Locate the applicable record (against the Deprecated Field under the New Source column from the above table) and click Edit.
  6. Provide the new API name in the Field Value that mirrors the deprecated fields, ensuring data type compatibility. 

Fields moving to Motion Policy Tagging:

  1. Access your Fullcast instance.
  2. Click the Motion tab in the menu bar.
  3. Click Review Policies under Policy by Territory.
  4. Locate and edit your existing policy.
  5. Select the applicable object from the dropdown menu.

For industry taxonomy, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the plus sign (+) to the right of the Additionally stamp industry values to the following fields (optional) option.
  2. Select the applicable field from the Field Name dropdown menu.
  3. Select the corresponding value from the Taxonomy Value dropdown menu.

Stamping for Industry Values

For Routing, proceed as follows:

  1. Locate the applicable routing policy and click Edit.
  2. Click to access Defaults and Record Tagging and complete the fields as illustrated in the image below.

Routing Policy Tagging 

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