Export/Import of data between Fullcast and SFDC environment

This article provides information and direction on accessing and running import and export jobs between Fullcast and Salesforce. Fullcast offers a fully automated data import and export process, that can be directly managed within the application. All aspects of the integration layer, such as specifying fields for import/export and monitoring job statuses and details, are accessible through the Export/Import tab. Users can view integration issues by reviewing error files generated during the process. 

The two distinct packages facilitating data exchange between Fullcast and Salesforce: 

  • Standard package: The standard package includes comprehensive CRUD capabilities for both fields and entities. Users with version 2.160 and above are eligible to access the standard package and manage data within the system. 
  • Custom package: This package solely offers update capabilities. Versions below 2.160 are considered custom packages. 

To determine the installed package version, admin users should access the Export/Import tab in settings. 

Accessing the Export/Import tab

  1. Access your Fullcast instance and switch plans if applicable. 
  2. Click the Settings icon (gear) and click the Export-Import tab. 
  3. On the Connection tab, configure the settings based on the information provided in the following table. 

Option Description
Standard vs. Custom Jobs Using Custom Jobs incurs a cost to the user. Please consult your business partner before proceeding. 
Fullcast Motion Package Details Identifies if your package version is eligible for standard integration. 
Connections Identifies connection details such as ID, Type, and Name. 

Note: If these settings are not configured properly, the process will not work and you will receive the following error: 

  1. Click Save Settings. 


Files in the Export tab provide error messages and any suggested fixes as applicable. These fixes may include: 

  • Notification of required updates due to field deletions on the customer side. 
  • Suggestions to rerun a job with adjusted parameters (e.g., limited record count, smaller batch size, higher error threshold) in cases of frequent errors, ensuring successful job completion. 
  • Alerts for connection failures due to revoked access. 


If any errors are encountered, you can view them here in the error tab. 

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