Goals in Target Setting

When setting up a target, it is necessary to set the annual goal - the target amount to be achieved by the role. 

There are two types of goals:

  1. Static Goal
  2. Dynamic Goal

What are static goals?

This is a simple way of setting a goal where you enter an amount into the Goal formula entry box. For example, to establish a Sales Quota Goal of $1M, enter 1,000,000 into the formula box, which becomes the goal. Steps to do so:

  1. Go to the Territory Design section under the Design tab.
  2. Select Set Targets.
  3. Under the Targets tab, select Add New.
  4. In the new window, expand the Goal option.
  5. Enter the goal amount in the formula edit box.
  6. Select Save.

What are dynamic goals?

Dynamic goals involve constructing a formula for the Goal amount. Let's take the example that you want to increase the sales quota for a certain node by 30%.

Steps to create dynamic goals

  1. Go to the Territory Design section under the Design tab.
  2. Select Set Targets.
  3. Under the Targets tab, select Add New.
  4. In the new window, expand the Goal option.
  5. Drag the Sales metric from the list of available formula elements.
  6. On the drop-down box, select a node in the hierarchy and then select a fiscal year to use that year's data.
  7. Enter the following *1.3 after the variable. (as we are increasing the sales quota by 30%)
  8. Ensure that the formula is without error.
  9. Check the value to make sure you agree with the formula calculation and the final goal.
  10. Proceed with the rest of the target creation process by defining a schedule.

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