Understanding different types of reports

Fullcast allows you to create nine different types of reports in the Design App. Selecting the chart view icon from the right hand side panel rolls out a new page which consists of the different types of charts available in the app. 

Basic Charts

Report on raw entities related to the core object of the designer you are using. For example, in the territory designer, you can report on all entities related to the account object. In the teams designer, you can report on all entities related to the people object. 

Below is an example of a basic chart:

Basic Data Tables

Create a table that allows you to summarize a measure by entities in both rows and columns. An example is shown below:

Go To Market (GTM) Charts

Report on any aspect of the go-to-market hierarchy (e.g., the territory or team hierarchy) and the related targets and assignments. Look at the example below:

Go To Market (GTM) Data Tables

Create a table for summarizing your go-to market hierarchy and the related assignments and targets. An example is shown below:

Coverage Reports

Create reports summarizing the assignments and coverage plan for your company. This can be used to visualize assignments and roles for people by hierarchy, for example.

Portfolio Reports

Create a list of all accounts for each role or person to see what they are responsible for. Portfolio reports come in handy when the same person is assigned to accounts at multiple nodes in the hierarchy. An example is shown below:

Disruption Reports

See the difference between selected entities across metrics of your choice.

Comparison Charts

Compare metrics across different territories using Comparison Charts. View numbers impacted by your proposed changes against your current plan by manipulating the chart as so. 

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