Create an Event Subscription

Users can now get details about all the events that they worked on that day through e-mail notifications or through an HTTPS environment by creating a subscription in the Event subscription tab in the design app.

How to navigate to the Event Subscriptions tab

  1. Select the Profile icon in the top right corner of your screen to access the Settings Menu.
  2. Select Event Subscriptions.
  3. The user can create a subscription by clicking the green + icon in the top right corner.
  4. In the pop-up menu, pick a protocol from the drop-down list:
    1. If you select email, enter the email address to which you need the event description to be sent.
    2. If you select https, enter the https address in which the events need to be listed.
  5. Select the topic for which you want to subscribe.
  6. According to the topic selected, you can see all the sub-topics related to the topic selected in the drop-down menu. Select the sub-topics for which you want to see the event description.
    (Note: When you deselect a topic, all the sub-topics related to that topic that were selected will also get deselected)
  7. Once you select all the above details, you will receive a mail, if you had chosen mail. Once you confirm your mail, you will start receiving the day's event details.

How to subscribe to Event descriptions through Email

  1. Enter a valid email in the Endpoints edit box after selecting the Protocol as email.
  2. Acknowledge the confirmation mail that you would have received at the given email address.
  3. Once your confirmation is recorded in the system, you will start receiving the details about the events that you have chosen.
  4. You can unsubscribe from this service by choosing the unsubscribe link you receive in the notification after confirming.

Figure 1: A sample of an email received after the subscription

How to subscribe to event descriptions through https

  1. Enter a valid https address (audit environment - such as loggly for tracking purposes), in the Endpoints tab after selecting the Protocol as https.
  2. Acknowledge the confirmation notice that you would have received in your audit environment.
  3. Once your confirmation is recorded in the system, you will start receiving the details about the events that you have chosen.
  4. You can unsubscribe from this service by choosing the delete button available against your ID on the event subscription page.
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